Monday, January 02, 2006

Running woes

I have to start running again because feeling totally out of shape. I went for a run last Thursday for the first time in about a month and I'm still a bit sore from it. I got the cold once again about a month ago and then the finals came so I guess those were good enough excuses to avoid exercising.

I wrote earlier that a two week pause didn't really affect my performance but last week, after the month of slacking, it was pure agony. It wasn't that cold outside, about -3.5 degrees Celsius (25.7 degrees Fahrenheit) but there was a nasty wind, it was slippery and I was so out of breath but I managed to finish my normal route so I was pretty satisfied with that. I hope it'll be a bit easier today.

Phew, I did it :) Wasn't easy but not as bad as the last time so I think I'll get back on the routine again.


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