Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Phew, I'm beat. I spent over 12 hours either at school or at home doing school work yesterday and same thing today. The physics lab course turned out to be a real annoyance. The reports require a huge amount of work and we have to produce one every week. Me and my lab partner finished the report of our first experiment today after a lot of sweat and tears. It was 13 pages of text, tables, equations and plots. And the beginning experiment was rather simple, although it composed of several different experiments. We're hoping that the report will be accepted and we won't have to refine it because we've already started the next experiment.

We spent two hours measuring how much different bars bend under different loads. The results will be used to determine coefficients of elasticity among other things. The report is due to next Wednesday. We started working on the last report practically on Monday and I think it was a bit too late so this time I've already done some preparations with the document so I'm hoping this one will go more smoothly.

I've been running pretty actively lately, it really helps me keep my head together with all the stress. I've been going at pretty late hours, around 21-22 o'clock when it's already dark. It's a pretty cool feeling to run in the darkness, listening to great tunes with iPod. And that's what I'm going to do right now ->


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