Sunday, February 19, 2006

Sunday randomness

I don't like Sundays.. can't really relax or concentrate on anything, you just keep thinking about the new week that's about to begin. I guess it dates back to the elementary and high school times when I just plain hated school. And let's not even talk about the Sundays during the military service.

Now it's a bit different. I most definitely don't hate school, I don't love every subject, not even most of them at the moment and the early wake-ups suck but I guess they'll be worth it in the end whatever that is.

Still the Sundays are bad.

Two weeks before mid-term exams. I have four exams but I think only the software engineering one will be tough and we're allowed to try it two times with a week between the takes which is nice. Telecommunications won't be trivial but the course has been interesting and I feel I've understood the concepts pretty well, database systems has been pretty basic stuff so it won't be difficult and the midterm of Japanese 2 is just katakana practice.

So the semester will be half way done already and the Spring is coming, yay!! Nothing beats the feeling when you notice that the sun actually feels warm again, the snow and ice are starting to melt and the nature shows signs of life again.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Yeah yeah, still alive

So the writing kind of died again when the classes got up to their full pace after the first week. So I've been up to my neck with school work again. And how I planned to take it easy on the Spring semester after the rough Fall.. Ok, now I'm deciding now that I'll take much less courses next Fall. At this rate I'd be graduating too soon anyway.

The C programming course turned out to be pretty tough. The exercises are quite tricky and the whole world of C is quite a culture shock after the fluffy Java courses. I'll have to get back to my binary search tree implementation now..